Tuesday, September 23, 2014

belated birthday surprise

Due to some backordering, Brady had his 2 big bday gifts delayed.  When they came in, Daddy was happy to give them to him...
...a set of golf clubs...
...& a skateboard!
 He was pretty excited...
...& loved the belated birthday surprise.

myrtle beach

Every year, we go to Myrtle Beach for our Van Wingerden Family Vacation.  Mommy has been going every year since she was a child, so we have kept that tradition going.  It's one of our favorite vacations...the sand, the ocean, dinners out, family time...it's such a fun trip.  Each day, we would get to the beach anytime around 10-11.  Sometimes, we'd pack a lunch and eat on the beach...and other times, we head up to the pool around 1:30 for swimming and lunch inside.  Brady & I would go back down to the beach until around 4:30 while Brecken & Emmersyn napped in the room.  Then, we would get cleaned up and head out to dinner each night.  One night, we got to go "night swimming" after dinner, and we loved that.  We had fun with our cousins each day.  This year, we went for a week, the weather was gorgeous, and we had a wonderful time together.  Enjoy the pics!
Averie Grace ~ 8 years old
Brady Joseph ~ 6 years old 

Brecken Thomas ~ 3 years old
Emmersyn Faith ~ 2 months old
 Daddy & Emmersyn
(She took lots of naps on the beach...must be her age...or the sound of the waves! :))
 Ready for some fun in the sun!

Brothers & Buds
Best Friends (& cousins, too!)
Stephanie & me
We played in the sand a lot...building castles, looking for seashells, and burying each other.  Here, we are burying Jackson in the sand.
Daddy with his boys 
 Daddy & me...ready to head out in the water!
Then, it was Brecken's turn.
We wanted to go in the water all the time...boogie boarding and jumping waves!
Oma & Emmersyn
W brought our wonderful friend/babysitter, Miss Brittany, along with us for the first few days.  We had a lot of fun with her.  Brecken just adores her!
 Jackson & me
Happy Boy
Matching shirts (accidentally) between cousins...they loved it!
Katilyn & Brady burying Jackson
And, she's awake! :)
 Smiling & content
Daddy & his boys
Oma would buy everyone a lemonade slushie every day on the beach.  They boys looked forward to that each lady the lemonade lady would walk by!
Oma & Emmersyn
Brecken was happy every day to be in the sand with his construction vehicles.  He loved it!
Brayden came to join the digging fun!
Mommy & Brecken
Uncle Art reminded us so much of Opa on this trip...he would let the little kids feed him snacks (even if he didn't like them)...and he would enjoy the beach from under the umbrella!
Oma took us to the pier a few times while we there.  We got to play a few arcade games and get ice cream.  What a treat!!  (We think Brady liked his ice cream a lot!)
Time to bury Stephanie!
Oma taking me out in the ocean
Just relaxing by the edge of the water
More sand fun
Aunt Lindsey & Emmersyn
Brecken & Madison playing in the water
Such cuties!
There is always some beach game going on...bocce ball, cornhole, etc.  Jackson, Brayden, Zach, & Brady were playing bocce ball!
Me...enjoying the beach!
Emmersyn sleeping...
...& Emmersyn awake (barely!)
One night, we got to eat at Pirates Voyage.  It's a dinner show...pirates, swords, animals, and mermaids!  We all loved it!
Brecken with his construction vehicles again!
The Karaffa Kids
(Don't let this picture fool you...the sunglasses on the boys were to mask their tears!  Haha!)
Daddy with his babies
Mommy & her babies
(And, if you look at the boys now, you will see why we had them wear the sunglasses!!)
Putting Emmersyn in the ocean for the first time...
...& it didn't even phase her!  She just didn't like the bright sun!
Mommy & her girls
Daddy & Mommy
Uncle Art digging in the sand with Brecken
Happy Little Construction Worker
Smiling Emmersn
My turn to be buried...
...& then Daddy did his annual getting buried in the sand!  We loved it!
Go Daddy!
Then, Brecken wanted a turn!
Time to rinse off... 
...& try out some boogie boarding for the first time (for Brecken)
It was a success...
...he loved it!!
Go Brecken!
The older cousins...yes, in matching swimsuits!!
(Brayton (Aunt Cindi's nephew), Andrew, Grant, & Noah)
Happy Surfer Dude
 He had so much fun!
Then, the older cousins took out the middle aged cousins for some ocean fun.  We had a blast!
Daddy & the boys 
Brady liked the boogie boarding, too!
Cousin Paul helping Brecken build a sand castle
Time for our annual shaving cream fight.  This year, we used whipped cream...and, it was funny to see so many of us eating it rather than spraying each other with it!!
Not near the messy fun, but definitely yummier than shaving cream!
Whipped Cream Fight 2014 
Another annual tradition is family pics on the beach before dinner.  This year, Oma wanted one of all her grandkids.  So, she had each family pick a color and wear that...Emmersyn is all ready for her family pics.
 The Van Wingerden Grandchildren 2014
The Karaffa Kids
We found a shadier spot, and it went much better.  Here we all are...the oldest is 21, and the youngest is 2 months old
Uncle Art/Aunt Kelly's kids...Eric, Grant, Paul, & Sam ~ White
Uncle Abe/Aunt Cindi's kids...Noah, Andrew, & Zach ~ Pink
Uncle Todd/Aunt Helen's kids ~ Orange
Uncle Michael/Aunt Courtney's kids ~ Green
Us ~ Navy Blue
We took another pic inside, and it went much better :)
More beach fun!
And, more boogie boarding.  Thankfully, I can do it by myself, so Daddy just helped Brecken.
Stephanie & me
We all agreed that we missed the messiness of the shaving cream fight, so Aunt Cindi went out and got shaving cream so we could still have our annual shaving cream fight.  We had a messy blast...except for Brady, who doesn't like the shaving cream!  Here is Oma helping Brecken get some in his hands...
...so he could go get Uncle Michael.
Messy Brecken
Daddy, me, & Brecken 
The Shaving Cream Gang 2014
(I am on the far right in front of the shaving cream "ghost."  Brecken is in the middle front with blue bathing suit.  Daddy is in the middle back.  Brady is hiding under the umbrella.  Mommy is taking the pictures (& is a little messy).  Emmersyn is napping under the umbrella.)
There she is! 
Then, on our last day, as tradition, we pack up the car & go putt putting before heading home.  We enjoy going then since it's not busy.
Daddy & us
Daddy helping Brecken learn to putt putt.
 He got the hang of it...
...and he even got a hole in one!

Mommy & her babies
Emmersyn enjoyed watching us play.
 We love to putt putt!  Such a great way to end such a fun beach vacation!