Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Israel - Day 4

Holy Land Tour Day 4: Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Upper Room, House (Palace) of Caiaphas, & the Israel Museum (Dead Scrolls)

Panoramic View of Jerusalem
Behind us you can see the original wall of the cool!
The Gates on the original wall 
(Jews believe the Messiah will enter Jerusalem through these gates.)
You mean a camel doesn’t just come walking down your street on a daily basis? 😂
Walking down the path that Jesus took down the Mount of Olives as He made His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem...Palm Sunday - Luke 19
This is a Jewish cemetery, and it's the largest and oldest Jewish cemetery in the world dating back to Biblical times.
These are believed to be tombs from the time of Jesus.
Then, we walked to the Garden of Gethsemane.  It was a beautiful time of worship, Scripture reading, and praying. (Matthew 26)
In the Garden...
Mom & me
After some sweet time in the Garden, we headed to the Upper Room.
This is inside the Upper Room (probably not exact location...but somewhere close to here), the last meal Christ shared with his disciples before His death. Here we spent some time focusing on Acts 1:8, 12-14.
This is another view of that same Jewish cemetery...& that path down the Mount of Olives that Jesus walked (right to the left of the cemetery). It’s a huge cemetery.
Then, we went to where the High Priest Caiaphas’ palace (“house”) would have been. This is where the first trial of Jesus would have been. (Matthew 26:57-63)These are the entry doors.  
Inside the "house"
Below is the “dungeon” that Jesus would have been lowered to for his night before his trial before Pilate.
We actually headed down the stairs so that we could physically stand in that dungeon.  Then, we stood in that dungeon (looking up at the hole He would have been lowered into) reflecting on those Scriptures (Matthew 26:47-55) and singing the Doxology. Praising Him for what He did for our sins. Very moving.
IN the dungeon...
Afterwards, we headed to the Israel Museum...
This is Jerusalem made into a miniature city. Neat to see it all at this scale.
This is another viewpoint.
Inside this building pictured are the Dead Sea Scrolls...very neat to see. (We couldn’t take pictures inside.)
On the bus ride back to the hotel, we very briefly stopped by the U.S. Embassy for some pictures. Cool to see.

Upon arriving back from the day's touring, some of us walked to McDonald’s to see how it was in Israel. Most of us just had fries or ice cream, but some had the burgers. Yummy. It was a really fun time...& another wonderful day! 

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