Monday, January 12, 2015

fall break fun..

This fall break, Daddy & Mommy surprised us with a trip to Atlanta.  While we there, we got to enjoy several super fun activities...each specifically chosen for us by Daddy & Mommy.  (Uncle Todd, Aunt Helen, and their kids joined us in the fun, and we had a great time.)  

Day 1:  Traveling to Atlanta...and then, our first activity was to see Frozen on Ice (yes, this was for me...Averie)...and it was so wonderful.  I loved every minute of it...& of course, seeing my favorite movie on ice...& the was just awesome!

All the girls...Emmersyn, Kaitlyn, me, Stephanie, & Madison
Me...with my Elsa & Anna dolls!
The boys were good sports and enjoyed the evening, too.  Of course, it helped that Brady got cotton candy and Brecken got a light up toy! ;)
The Karaffa Kiddies enjoying the show!
Aunt Helen & Emmersyn
Mommy & Emmersyn
Daddy with Emmersyn...& Uncle Todd and Brady (& their cotton candy Olaf hats) being goofy!
We had great seats, but we still got to go to the ice and take a picture after the show!
Waking up the next day and getting to watch cartoons...another plus!
Day 2:  The next fun activity was going to the Coca-Cola factory.  This was Daddy's choice, but we are excited to go.  We even got to meet the Coca-cola polar bear.
Enjoying all the parts of the factory
Old fashioned coca-cola machine
Here is a torch that they would use in the Olympics...
We all took turns holding it...
...even Emmersyn.
After touring around, we also got to watch a 3D film about Coke & several other activities.  Then, we entered into the World of Coke, where you were given unlimited cups and unlimited options of various varieties of Coke (& other Coke products) to sample.  Some were the traditional flavors...& others were different Coke flavors from all over the world.  Here is Mommy & Stephanie while Mommy stopped to feed Emmersyn.
Brady loved it...unlimited caffeine.  He tried a lot of them...but mostly the local ones he knew!  He did try Mello-Yello for the first time and loved it!
I am not a soda drinker, but I did try a few...but I didn't like any of them, really.  I was glad that they also had a water one ;)
Daddy sampled a lot of them, and really liked almost all of them.  But, his favorite was probably just the tradition Coca-Cola classic.  Mommy isn't a soda drinker, either, so she just enjoying trying a few...and then just settling for a little Sprite.
Becken also had a blast trying lots of soda...his first time drinking soda.  But, his favorite was the fruit punch Hi-C.  He kept coming back to that...even when Daddy & Mommy weren't looking. :)
After our Coca-Cola factory fun, we headed on a nice long walk to The Varsity.  This is apparently a very nostalgic place in Atlanta, and since several had recommended it, we decided to enjoy a late lunch there.  The food was mostly hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, fries, onion rings, and ice cream. 
Then, we each took a picture with the Varsity hat on...
...aren't we just adorable? :)
Getting to enjoy some ice cream for dessert!  Yummy!
That night, we got to head to hotel swimming pool.  Yes, another super fun activity.  We loved getting the time to swim in their indoor pool while Daddy & Mommy played cards and chatted with Uncle Todd & Aunt Helen.  (Emmersyn didn't swim...she got to enjoy hanging out with the adults!)  Here we are...ready to go!
Brecken & Madison enjoying some swim time together!!  It was another fun day!
Day 3: The Atlanta Aquarium.  We were so excited to go here...we had heard lots of fun things about this place.  Lots of animals to see, face painting, a dolphin show, petting the dolphins & other sea animals, & watching a 3D aquatic movie were all part of our super fun day!  We all enjoyed this day so much...we stayed until they closed!!

Getting my face painted...
...& Brecken, too!
(Brady also got his arm painted & loved it!)
One of our favorite stops was the penguins.  They had a tunnel you could crawl through...and at a few points in the tunnel were places you could stand and see the penguins up close.  That was so cool.  The only thing separating you from the penguins was a thick piece of glass...we have never been able to get this close up to the penguins at other places.  It was so cool!

Me enjoying the penguins up close...
...then Daddy...
...then Mommy & Brecken...
...& then Mommy & Brady.
Daddy loves animals, so he enjoyed trying to have a "conversation" with this adorable penguin!
Daddy & me petting some more sea creatures...Mommy & the boys didn't want to put their hands in there! :)
Stephanie, Madison, & me...enjoying all the fish!
Look at all those colorful fish behind Brecken...& sweet Brady as he climbed in one of the "trees."
Daddy & Emmersyn
Daddy showing Emmersyn all the many, many fish!  She was mesmerized by all the color and activity!
Look how big this shark is...
...& the sting ray...& the fish!!  We put Emmersyn & her stroller there so you can compare sizes!  Wow!
Such a huge animal!  What an amazing God who created all these creatures!
What a wonderful day we had at the aquarium!!
Happy Emmersyn!
Day 4:  Our last day in Atlanta, and our last activity...LegoLand in Atlanta.
This was actually in a mall, but we were excited nonetheless.  It was a lot of fun, especially since we all love lego's.  We enjoyed games, touring through the facility, seeing lots of lego creations, riding simple rides, watching a short film, & playing with lego's.
The Karaffa Family
Lego Land
October 2014
Here, Brady is getting "weighed" in lego's.  His weight was about 24,000 lego's.
Stephanie & me admiring this baseball field...made all out of lego's.
Brady liked the busy city made out of lego's...
...& Becken also liked the city lego's.
See this $100 bill?  Well, Mommy thought somebody had dropped it, so she picked it up to turn in...well, as she attempted to pick it up, we all realized that it was actually fake...just looked like it was real!  What a trick!  We all enjoyed laughing at Mommy! :)
Playing a fun lego game...
...& getting to go into Olivia's house!
Brady enjoyed the lego creating area...
...& so did Brecken.
It was a fun time together.  We loved all our activities, and we had a wonderful fall break trip to Atlanta.  We laughed a lot and made lots of memories!

The Karaffa Family...& all our craziness!

1 comment:

  1. Looks line so much fun! We might just have to plan a trip there too!
